Global NDC Conference



31 05 - 02 06 2023


3:00 am - 10:00 am


Berlin, Germany

Conference Details

All times are EDT.

Throughout the years, the Global NDC Conference has become an international forum to discuss NDCs. It presents a space for strengthening networks, showcasing innovative ideas, building momentum, reflecting, and clarifying the NDC formulation and implementation processes that lead to ambitious climate policy and action. Our last two editions (in 2017 and 2019) gathered more than 600 participants from 80 countries. In 2023, its third edition aims to inspire climate practitioners and policy makers to lead and contribute to processes and coordination that enable just, feasible and financeable NDCs, grounded in learning from implementation and previous updates. For more information, please visit the conference's website.

Please note this is an invitation-only event.

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