Africa Climate Week - LT-LEDS as a social, economic, and environmental instrument: Challenges and opportunities in Africa
07 September 2023
6:30 am - 7:30 am
Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
Conference Details
All times are EDT.
Under Article 4.19 of the Paris Agreement, Parties should strive to formulate and communicate Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS). The development of a LT-LEDS represents an opportunity for countries to set targets that can guide them towards a low-carbon future, and to have a tool that informs future NDCs. Indeed, the alignment between LT-LEDS and NDC is crucial to unlock climate ambition and to achieve a decarbonized, climate resilient country.
But LT-LEDS are not only climate instruments: they support countries to identify synergies between socioeconomic development objectives and their transition to a low-emission economy, considering the balance among emission reductions, economic growth, social justice, climate resilience, and a just transition.
In Africa, many countries are taking their first steps in developing their LT-LEDS. While there is not only one path to promote sustainable development, and there are many pathways to achieve climate-neutral societies, sharing knowledge, experiences, financing opportunities, and good practices can foster these processes. This event will gather country representatives and international organizations to debate around these issues.The main goal is to share experiences and knowledge, to raise awareness about the importance of LT-LEDS, their multidimensional components, the steps needed and the implications of developing a LT-LEDS, and possible challenges and opportunities LT-LEDS brings to countries.
This event is co-organized with 2050 Pathways Platform, IDDRI, and UNDP.
Room: Atlas Mountain, KICC
- Join the event online via MS Teams here.