(11:00 - 12:00 EET) Promoting mitigation-adaptation co-benefits for creating a more resilient future for all in the context of sustainable recovery from COVID-19 through international cooperation
08 November 2022
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Pavilion #126 / Organized by United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), The Government of Indonesia, The Government of Germany
Conference Details
Promote recommendations of G20 Study for climate policy and international cooperation for effective climate action with SD co-benefits and sustainable COVID-19 recovery across a range of critical economic, ecological and social systems and vulnerable groups (children, women, local communities and indigenous peoples).
Key messages:
•G20 Climate and Sustainability Working Group, chaired by the Min. of Environment and Forestry Indonesia, has invited UNICEF and GIZ to develop a study “The role of mitigation-adaptation co-benefits for creating a more resilient future for all” in the context of COVID-19 recovery that has compounded negative CC impacts particularly for vulnerable groups.
•The study concludes that climate policies and measures are highly relevant in themselves but can additionally deliver a wide range of co-benefits supporting economic recovery and addressing societal groups vulnerabilities. It recommends policies and measures across sectors to improve adaptation-mitigation synergies and draw on local knowledge, including through nature-based solutions and ecosystem-based approaches with potential direct social and environmental co-benefits e.g., protecting health, income, food security, and increasing DRR, gender equality, whilst supporting the transition towards net-zero.
•Interventions across sectors and involve diverse stakeholder input including from youth can deeply transform ways of production and consumptions, with greater potential for synergies.
•Finance and institutional capacity remain key barriers to unlocking co-benefits.
•G20 may wish to establish process, partnerships, or agenda to address these priority areas and increase international cooperation, knowledge exchange, and mobilize financing. G20 and G20 countries could develop guidance to support governments around the world with climate policy implementation that specifically targets mitigation-adaptation synergies and unlocks SD co-benefits for a more resilient future for all.