Transport green zone in Santiago

Case Summary: 

The 'Green Zone Project for Transport in Santiago' (ZVTS in Spanish acronym) was developed at the Municipality of Santiago as part of its Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs). The ZVTS is the first NAMA designed for the transport sector in Chile, whose main objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to the national greenhouse gas reduction target of 20% by 2020.

The ZVTS design considers four initiatives to reduce the impact on urban passenger transport emissions, grouping together in initiatives of a technological nature (Initiatives 1 and 2) and in initiatives of integration of more efficient modes (Initiatives 3 and 4). The emission reductions estimated for the NAMA ZVTS and evaluated in 10 years would reach a total of 13,004 tCO2. An expansion scenario considering the replacement of 15% of the basic RM taxi fleet (in total 3,525 taxis replaced by electric taxis) and 15% of the Transantiago bus fleet (in total 975 buses replaced by electric buses) estimates a reduction of 1,430,791 tCO2 in 10 years.

Latin America and Caribbean
Action Area 
Planning and Implementation Activity 
Developing and Implementing Policies and Measures
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