Strengthening Resilience through Disaster Risk Reduction and Early Warning Systems Interventions: Experiences and Lessons Learned from the Adaptation Fund Portfolio

Case Summary: 

This study offers an overview of the Fund’s experience and lessons learned on disaster risk reduction and early warning systems interventions in strengthening long-term resilience to climate change, including case studies from across the portfolio. In this way, it aims to advance understanding among the wider adaptation community, as well as generate and share knowledge on project approaches. The study also fulfils one of the three strategic pillars of the Medium-Term Strategy (2023-2027), Learning and Sharing, which aims to develop knowledge and evidence on effective and innovative adaptation action and finance. Findings will be of interest to stakeholders, current and prospective Implementing Entities, Executing Entities, government officials, private sector, civil society groups, youth organizations, other adaptation practitioners and the public interested in approaches to disaster risk reduction and early warning systems.

The study methodology included document analysis covering a review of the academic and grey literature on disaster risk reduction and early warning, a review of Fund policies and guidelines related to the study, and a review of the Fund’s disaster risk reduction and early warning portfolio and project documents. Finally, semi-structured interviews were conducted with project leaders and advisers to understand the project approaches, their effectiveness and lessons learned.
Action Area 
Planning and Implementation Activity 
Monitoring and Evaluation
Sectors and Themes 
Disaster Risk Reduction
Adaptation Fund
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