From Ripples to Waves: The Value of Corporate Water Stewardship
Case Summary:
"From Ripples to Waves: The Value of Corporate Water Stewardship” discusses the value of water and serves as a call to action for businesses to address water challenges proactively. Delving into the practices of six companies across various sizes and sectors – including PepsiCo, Microsoft, Gotham Greens, Cargill, S&P Global, and Xylem –the white paper provides tangible examples of effective water stewardship. The companies’ case studies showcase how they integrate water risk as a core consideration. Through these examples, the report highlights how the private sector can make a demonstrable contribution to the achievement of SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation.
Action Area
Planning and Implementation Activity
Linking with the Sustainable Development Goals, Governance and Stakeholder Engagement
Sectors and Themes
Global Compact Network USA