Planning for climate change in Peru

Case Summary: 

PlanCC (Planning for Climate Change) is a joint initiative of the Peruvian public and private sectors together with civil society and academia with the aim to analyse the feasibility of transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

The process is organized in three phases including: (1) developing mitigation options and long-term scenarios for 2021 and 2050; (2) designing plans, policies and instruments that are “climate friendly”; and (3) implementing these measures in order to catalyse a long-term transformation and to provide an enabling environment for low-carbon investment. The institutional set-up of PlanCC guarantees that people with relevant skills and institutions with relevant mandates are connected to jointly develop and pursue a Peruvian low-carbon development path. Scientific evidence generated within PlanCC feeds directly into the decision-making process of the national government.

The initiative is supported by the Mitigation Action Plans & Scenarios (MAPS) Programme which is collaboration amongst developing countries to establish the evidence base for long-term transition to robust economies that are both carbon efficient and climate resilient.

Latin America and Caribbean
Action Area 
Planning and Implementation Activity 
Developing Strategies and Plans, Linking with the Sustainable Development Goals
Sectors and Themes 
Agriculture, Transport
Barriers overcome 
Capacity, Information, Institutional
Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)
English, French, Spanish
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