Philippines grid integration study to inform power sector planning

Case Summary: 

To support ongoing evaluation of future power system development scenarios, the Department of Energy of the Philippines (PDOE) together with USAID undertook a Solar and Wind Integration Study for the Luzon-Visayas System of the Philippines. The study used high-resolution renewable energy data and production cost modeling to assess location and time-specific operational impacts of various power system scenarios (15-50% renewable energy) out to 2030. The study is now being used to inform data-driven and analytically robust power sector planning. Key actions and good practices profiled in this case study are highlighted below.

  • Stakeholder engagement to inform the study and analysis.
  • Partnership locally and internationally via an interagency modeling working group consisting of staff from policy, regulatory, market and system operator, and international expert organizations to build capacity and perform the analysis.
  • Leadership within the Philippines Department of Energy to spearhead the study and support application of analysis to policy design. .
  • Design and implementation of a thorough data collection process including collection of Philippines-wide hourly modeled solar and wind resource data, generation and transmission data, weather, load, and outage data to inform simulations, as well as other geospatial data (e.g., protected lands, etc.). Key data are also provided in a user-friendly mapping and analysis format at:
  • Use of a production cost model to simulate hourly scheduling of least-cost electricity for one year while adhering to physical constraints and conditions.

East Asia and Pacific
Action Area 
Planning and Implementation Activity 
Developing Strategies and Plans, Analysis and Data Collection, Developing and Implementing Policies and Measures, Governance and Stakeholder Engagement
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