Paraguay’s Stakeholder Participation Process to Unpack the NDC Targets

Case Summary: 

Following the
Paris Agreement, Paraguay undertook a rigorous and inclusive stakeholder
participation process to ‘unpack’ the country’s Nationally Determined
Contribution (NDC) targets, resulting in the identification of 110 specific
actions to achieve these goals (UNDP, 2017). These actions continue to be
reviewed and prioritised by sectors in working groups to this date. In order to
ensure synergies with national development priorities, this effort was
undertaken in the context of addressing the global Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) and the National Development Plan Paraguay 2030. The process
included representatives from all sectors at national and sub-national levels.
Actions have been integrated into a draft NDC Implementation Plan that focuses
on sector contributions as well as monitoring mechanism to quantify emissions
through a national inventory system.

The process, led
by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES, for its
Spanish acronym), is considered a good practice due to the participation of
multiple stakeholders (public, private, academia and civil society), strong
inter-sectoral cooperation, and the strengthening of sectoral emission
reduction commitments as a result.

Latin America and Caribbean
Action Area 
Planning and Implementation Activity 
Developing Strategies and Plans, Developing and Implementing Policies and Measures, Nationally Determined Contributions
Sectors and Themes 
Agriculture, Transport
Barriers overcome 
Capacity, Information, Political
Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)
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