Panorama: Sweden's pathway to net-zero

Case Summary: 

Sweden is committed to eliminating its fossil-fuel emissions by 2045. This requires a transformation of society. With the visualisation tool Panorama, you can get an overview of what’s being done, what still needs to be done, and the progress underway in various sectors. Panorama also presents a variety of possible transition measures that together can help us achieve this target. Click through the images to explore the different sectors’ emissions and potential solutions. Please note that only part of the original Swedish content in Panorama is available in English. A trustworthy source of climate data Sweden’s territorial greenhouse gas emissions totalled 46.3 million tonnes in 2020. By 2045 our goal is to have no net emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, followed by negative emissions. Panorama illustrates one way to get there. Panorama was created based on Sweden’s official emissions statistics, and it presents ongoing and potential transitions in various sectors together with indicators showing the progress being made. It is updated regularly with policy instruments, commitments and other initiatives that can make a contribution along the way. All in all, this makes Panorama a valuable knowledge bank for the country’s climate transition. The target-based scenario shown is one of several possible ones, and the transitions and their potential are based on expert assessments from reports and data from government agencies, industry and other stakeholders. Panorama is the result of an interagency collaboration between three government agencies: Klimatpolitiska rådet, Naturvårdsverket och Energimyndigheten.

Action Area 
Planning and Implementation Activity 
Analysis and Data Collection, Monitoring and Evaluation, Low Emission Development Strategies
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