Motorization Management: Fleet Renewal and Recycling Program in Egypt

Case Summary: 

Motorization management is a menu of measures to manage motor vehicle flows and stocks at all phases of their life cycle to support access and economic growth while reducing GHG emissions, improving air quality, and enhancing traffic safety. Measures include fleet renewal mechanisms with replacement, recycling, and certification systems; and policies and financial incentives to modernize the most polluting, unsafe, and intensively used vehicles. In Egypt around 2010, the average age of the motor vehicle fleet was high, and many intensively used vehicles were poorly maintained, contributing to excessive emissions, breakdowns, and road traffic accidents. The bustling capital, Cairo, produces 40 percent of the country’s transport-related GHG emissions, exposing residents to as much as 20 times the acceptable air pollution levels every day. A significant share of these emissions come from older or poorly maintained vehicles, including up to 40-year-old taxis.

Middle East and North Africa
Action Area 
Planning and Implementation Activity 
Developing Strategies and Plans
Sectors and Themes 
World Bank
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