Linking LEDS and NAMA in the Livestock Sector

Case Summary: 

According to Costa Rica’s last national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory (2010), the livestock sector is the second largest emitting source, being responsible for 23.6% of national GHG emissions.

To support creating a more eco-competitive livestock sector, Costa Rica is implementing three closely-related initiatives in parallel in an integrated process to improve coherence and synergy. These are the National Strategy for Low Carbon Livestock, a Livestock NAMA, and its NAMA pilot plan for implementation. These initiatives, led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, are carried out in a participative process with active involvement of private sector representatives. The strategy serves as an umbrella, giving political orientation to the sector. The NAMA provides operationalisation guidelines that are being implemented through a pilot plan.

Costa Rica
Latin America and Caribbean
Action Area 
Planning and Implementation Activity 
Developing Strategies and Plans, Sub-national Action and Integration, Low Emission Development Strategies
Sectors and Themes 
Barriers overcome 
Capacity, Financial, Socio-cultural
Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)
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