Energy Efficiency in Türkiye's Public Buildings

Case Summary: 

The public sector represents a strategically important market segment for energy efficiency (EE). Public buildings, which are collectively large and visible consumers, can set examples for EE improvements in other sectors and demonstrate good energy management practices and high-performance technologies. The inclusion of energy-efficient criteria for products purchased for public offices, for example, can stimulate manufacturers to seek the necessary certifications for their products to compete in public tenders. The public sector can also use its purchasing power to stimulate EE markets; by purchasing in large volumes, it can bring down costs for all energy users. Businesses and institutions can also develop practices that promote public sector EE—such as standard contracts, tools, and protocols—while public campaigns can showcase the benefits of, and build confidence in, EE among citizens. Reducing government energy costs can open up fiscal space to invest in other socioeconomic priorities, such as improving the quality of and access to basic services, such as health care, education, and infrastructure. Finally, public sector EE makes for a more resilient energy supply and lowers local and global emissions.

Action Area 
Planning and Implementation Activity 
Sub-national Action and Integration
World Bank
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