Dialoguemos NDC: A Participatory Process for NDC Implementation in Peru

Case Summary: 

When confronted with climate change demand, countries are challenged with involving several key actors such as government, NGOs, the private sector, and civil society groups. Additionally, countries must ensure coordination between all relevant sectors across all levels of society and make sure that they are each taking necessary climate action. Peru has embraced these challenges and has worked to strengthen climate governance through multisector, multilevel, and multi-actor stakeholder engagement.

This case study focuses on the “Dialoguemos sobre las NDC” (“Let’s talk about the NDCs” in English) participatory process, proposed by the Multisectoral Working Group on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and led by the Peruvian Government. Dialoguemos NDC builds on existing government mechanisms to support integrated climate change action. The case study discusses key stages and characteristics of a typical participatory process. It features an approach that countries can take to coordinate processes with many actors and sectors (including the public sector, private sector, indigenous communities, civil society, research communities, and international institutions). It presents the accomplishments and lessons learned during the first stage of Dialoguemos NDC, implemented in 2018.

Several lessons were learned regarding scaling participatory processes at a national and international level. These lessons include:

  • Having an explicit mandate from an official agency to integrate key stakeholders in NDC implementation enables knowledge exchange around adaptation and mitigation roadmaps and validates the search for financial resources to implement dialogue processes.
  • Implementing a participatory process with the leadership of a government sector encourages representation and the participation of non-state actors.
  • Identifying the specific roles stakeholders need to play in NDC measures and processes ex-ante helps guide their involvement and ensure focused participation in the process.
  • Developing an organized, planned, and flexible model allows for adjustment as needed when new stakeholders or processes come into play.
  • Having an ad hoc team with the capacity to coordinate, manage, and systematize the participatory process guarantees the integration of key inputs provided by the different government sectors involved into official documents.
Latin America and Caribbean
Action Area 
Planning and Implementation Activity 
Governance and Stakeholder Engagement, Sub-national Action and Integration
Barriers overcome 
Information, Institutional, Political, Socio-cultural
NDC Partnership
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