Developing a National Climate Compatible Development Plan (CCDP)

Case Summary: 

The Dominican Republic, through the leadership of the President’s Office, developed a Climate Compatible Development Plan (CCDP) that presents a roadmap to double the size of the economy in twenty years while at the same time cutting emissions by half (a reduction of around 18 MtCO2e). The Plan was endorsed and launched by the President in September 2011 and presented at the UNFCCC-COP 17 in Durban[1] that same year.

Development of the plan involved extensive stakeholder participation and strong government leadership. The consultation process was led by the Office of the President and actively involved around 40 institutions from government, private sector and civil society.

It has had immediate impact, leading to the inclusion of a legally mandated goal of reducing GHG emissions by 25% in twenty years in the country’s Long Term National Development Plan and the introduction of a tax on vehicles related to their level of CO2 emissions, the first of its kind in the country.

The plan has received positive international recognition with the German government agreeing to provide EUR 4.5 million to support a second phase of implementation of the CCDP focused on developing NAMAs with MRV systems covering the cement and waste sectors[2].



Dominican Republic
Latin America and Caribbean
Action Area 
Planning and Implementation Activity 
Monitoring and Evaluation
Sectors and Themes 
Agriculture, Transport
Barriers overcome 
Capacity, Financial, Information
Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)
English, French, Spanish
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