Coordinating institutions for LEDS and NAMA development

Case Summary: 

Building on its 2009 pledge to reduce national GHG emissions (by 26% in 2020) and a subsequent climate change action plan published in 2011, Indonesia has made substantial progress in strengthening its capacity and institutional framework for delivering effective climate change mitigation. A key part of this institutional architecture is the Climate Change National Coordination Team (CCNCT) which is a body established under the State Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS).

The CCNT has joint responsibility for developing and detailing national and provincial level GHG mitigation action plans (effectively the Indonesia LEDS) and supporting the development and coordination of NAMAs. This joint role, implemented by a national planning ministry, is demonstrating important synergies and benefits including the integration of the LEDS within broader national development planning processes and the integration of NAMAs as the key mechanism for achieving the countries’ mitigation pledges and implementing its LEDS.

The CCNT is also strengthening coordination between and within line ministries on NAMA development to ensure priorities and national criteria are respected and is enabling more coherent communication of Indonesia’s NAMA development as a whole.

East Asia and Pacific
Action Area 
Planning and Implementation Activity 
Developing Strategies and Plans, Low Emission Development Strategies
Sectors and Themes 
Agriculture, Transport
Barriers overcome 
Capacity, Financial, Institutional
Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)
English, French, Spanish
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