Climate change and water security in Burkina Faso and Niger

Case Summary: 

As part of a water and climate campaign, WaterAid West Africa has conducted two research studies on the impacts of climate change on water security in the region, focusing on Burkina Faso and Niger.

Through this report, WaterAid West Africa hopes to:

  • Encourage West African governments to include WASH in national climate adaptation plans and strategies as a critical line of defence against the impacts of climate change
  • Provide key stakeholders and target groups with a clear understanding of the need to act on WASH and climate
  • Promote the allocation of climate finance towards programmes that ensure safe and sustainable water services
  • Receive commitments from member states, donor countries and development partners to include WASH in nationally determined contributions and national adaptation plans
  • Position investment in WASH services as key to building resilience in communities affected by climate change.
Action Area 
Planning and Implementation Activity 
Analysis and Data Collection
Sectors and Themes 
WaterAid West Africa
English, French
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