CCC Insights Briefing 2: The Climate Change Committee
The UK Climate Change Committee (CCC) is the statutory body created by the UK Climate Change Act 2008. It provides independent expert advice on the UK’s climate goals and climate policy, and monitors progress on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change. Since the CCC was established the UK has reduced emissions while growing its economy. The CCC has strengthened the use of evidence in UK climate policy and has enjoyed broad support from business, policymakers, researchers, and the public.
Key features of the CCC’s approach include: a strong statutory underpinning backed by a cross-party political consensus, an emphasis on evidence and analysis, an open and transparent approach, both with stakeholders and the media, and a willingness to address the barriers to action alongside its recommendations.
This briefing provides a summary of the role of the CCC, how it is structured and how it operates. We also set out observations on what has worked effectively for CCC over its twelve years in operation.
This briefing is structured in four sections:
- The role of the CCC
- The structure of the CCC
- The CCC work programme
- Working effectively as an independent advisory body