BIO-KG Federation of Organic Development, Kyrgyz Republic

Case Summary: 

Spearheading the concept of the organic “aimak”, or district, BIO-KG Federation of Organic Development has promoted the transition of agriculture in rural and mountain communities to organic-only production in a landscape-level approach. In the face of depleted soils, this community organization in the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) has inspired bottom-up processes leading to village decisions to form organic districts, revitalizing the connection with Mother Earth. These districts support the removal of chemical fertilisers, use of Traditional Knowledge and practices, farmer-to-farmer field schools, and saving of seed varieties suitable for variable climatic conditions. More than 1,000 farmers have been certified as growers of organic produce. Ten organic aimaks have been created, six of which are led by women. The model has taken root in Kyrgyzstan, with BIO-KG playing an instrumental role in the government’s commitment to transition to organic agriculture nationwide within a decade.

This case study is one in a growing series that describes vetted and peer-reviewed best practices intended to inspire the policy dialogue needed to scale nature-based solutions essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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UNDP Equator Initiative
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