Vehicle and Infrastructure Case Flow Evaluation (VICE) Model

The Vehicle and Infrastructure Cash-Flow Evaluation Model (VICE) assists fleets and businesses in evaluating the profitability of potential CNG projects. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) built the CNG Vehicle and Infrastructure Cash-Flow Evaluation (VICE) model. The VICE model demonstrates the relationship between project profitability and fleet operating parameters. Costs of installing natural gas infrastructure varies based on size, capacity, and the type of natural gas (LNG, CNG, or both) it dispenses. It also varies in the way the natural gas is dispensed (fast-fill, time-fill). The VICE model evaluates the return on investment and payback period for natural gas vehicles and fueling infrastructure.

Region: North America
Sectors and Topics: Renewable Energy, Transport
Scale: National, Sub-national, Project-Level
Expertise Level: Generalist
Resource Type: Analysis Tools
Inputs Needed: Vehicle types Vehicle miles traveled Vehicle life time fuel economy CNG fuel economy loss
Outputs Provided: Net Present Value payback period displaced gasoline Project lifetime GHG reduction Incremental cost
Languages: English
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