Co-benefits Risk Assessment (COBRA) Screening Model 

The Co-benefits Risk Assessment (COBRA) Screening Model inexpensively and quickly estimates the air quality, human health, and associated economic impacts of various state-and county-level emission reduction scenarios. This tool serves as a preliminary screening tool to identify those scenarios that might benefit from further evaluation with more sophisticated air quality modeling approaches.

Region: North America
Sectors and Topics: Health, Renewable Energy, Transport
Scale: National, Sub-national
Expertise Level: Practitioner
Resource Type: Analysis Tools
Cost: No
Inputs Needed: Change in emissions of particulate matter (PM2.5) sulfur dioxide (S02) nitrogen oxides (NOX) ammonia (NH3) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by source category
Outputs Provided: Absolute emission reductions Number of health incidences avoided Economic value of health incidences avoided
Languages: English
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