Job and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) Model

The Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) models are user-friendly tools that estimate the economic impacts of constructing and operating power generation and biofuel plants at the local and state levels. It can be used to understand the jobs and economic impact of biofuels, coal, concentrating solar power, geothermal, marine and hydrokinetic power, natural gas, and photovoltaic power plants. It is an input-output model.

Region: Global
Sectors and Topics: Jobs, Renewable Energy
Expertise Level: Generalist
Resource Type: Analysis Tools
Cost: No
Guidance: Methodology by NREL Limitations of JEDI Models by NREL Interpreting Results by NREL
Inputs Needed: Location of the potential project The population of the area in consideration The year of construction for the potential project The system type System size (DC nameplate capacity in kW) Base installed system cost ($/kWh) Annual direct O&M cost ($/kW)
Outputs Provided: Project construction or installation cost and the associated local spending amount Direct O&M costs and associated local spending amount Other annual costs Debt payments and property taxes Local economic impacts on jobs and earnings
Languages: English
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