Agriculture and Land Use National GHG Inventory and Mitigation Analysis Software Tool (ALU)

The Agriculture and Land Use Greenhouse Gas Inventory (ALU) Software guides an inventory compiler through the process of estimating greenhouse gas emissions and removals related to agricultural and forestry activities. The software simplifies the process of conducting the inventory by dividing the inventory analysis into steps to facilitate the compilation of activity data, assignment of emission factors, and completion of the calculations. The software also has internal checks to ensure data integrity. Furthermore, the software program is designed to support an evaluation of mitigation potentials using the inventory data as a baseline for projecting emission trends associated with management alternatives.

Region: Global
Sectors and Topics: Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use
Expertise Level: Practitioner
Resource Type: Analysis Tools
Cost: No
Inputs Needed: Type of agriculture or livestock management practice Qualifying information about practice (e.g., hectares managed, amount of fertilizer, percent nitrogen) Amount of product imported or exported
Outputs Provided: Emissions and removals associated with biomass C stocks soil C stocks soil nitrous oxide emissions rice methane emissions enteric methane emissions manure methane and nitrous emissions and nonCO2 GHG emissions from biomass burning. Generates emission reports and provides a long-term archive of data and results in digital format.
Languages: English
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