MARKet Allocation (MARKAL)

Developer or Source: International Energy Agency (IEA)

MARKAL is an integrated energy systems modeling platform that can be used to analyze energy, economic, and environmental issues at the global, national, and municipal level over a timeframe of up to several decades. It is a set of software tools that may be used to quantify the impacts of policy options on technology development and resource depletion.

Region: Global
Sectors and Topics: Energy Efficiency
Expertise Level: Practitioner
Resource Type: Analysis Tools
Guidance: Examples of applications of MARKAL:
Inputs Needed: Energy technology parameters Economic parameters
Outputs Provided: Comparison of energy technologies along with least cost solutions Analysis of long-term energy balances under different scenarios Evaluation of technologies & priorities for R&D Evaluation of the impacts of regulations taxes and subsidies GHG emissions projection Estimation of value of regional cooperation
Languages: English
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