CTCN Technical Assistance

Organization: Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)

The CTCN provides technical assistance in response to requests submitted by developing countries via their nationally-selected focal points, or National Designated Entities (NDEs). Upon receipt of such requests, the Centre quickly mobilizes its global Network of climate technology experts to design and deliver a customized solution tailored to local needs. The CTCN does not provide funding directly to countries, but instead supports the provision of technical assistance provided by experts on specific climate technology sectors. The CTCN delivers five main types of technical support on climate technologies: (1) Technical assessments, including technical expertise and recommendations related to specific technology needs, identification of technologies, technology barriers, technology efficiency, as well as piloting and deployment of technologies. (2) Technical support for policy and planning documents, include strategies and policies, roadmaps and action plans, regulations and legal measures (3) Trainings (4) Tools and methodologies (5) Implementation plans

Support Type: Direct Support
Region: Global
Languages: English, French, Spanish
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