Gender Equality


For climate action to be effective and sustainable, it is essential to integrate gender equality considerations into mitigation and adaptation interventions. This means developing climate interventions that respond to the different concerns and needs of women and men, empowering and engaging women in decision making, and harnessing the knowledge and contributions of both halves of the world’s population. In this way, countries can develop more effective solutions that benefit the whole of society, and generate climate outcomes that have far-reaching, long lasting impacts.  

Countries frequently do not have the technical know-how or financial resources to mainstream gender equality into NDC implementation plans. Meanwhile, member countries are requesting gender support. Country have asked for support to undertake gender analyses; integrate gender equality considerations into climate plans, policies and budgets; develop monitoring and accountability mechanisms that track gender progress; improve gender balance in training, economic opportunities, and decision making; and carry out gender stakeholder consultations. And many of these country requests are being met by the NDC Partnership’s development partners through the Partnership.  


Supporting gender-responsive climate action is a key focus area of the NDC Partnership as elaborated in its Gender Strategy (also available in Spanish and French) and summarized in this blog.  The Partnership, which counts leading global institutions, technical agencies, and development partners among its members, works to expand access to technical gender assistance by matching country requests with technical assistance from development partners.  

  • At country level, the Partnership supports a country-driven process to advance gender equality in NDC implementation plans, emphasizing five main pathways for action: engaging gender stakeholders in climate consultations, including sex-disaggregated data and gender-related indicators in NDC implementation and investment plans, utilizing gender analyses, impact assessments and national gender frameworks, strengthening in-country technical capacity for gender mainstreaming, and finally, using gender data and analyses along with strengthened gender capacities to inform gender-responsive NDC planning.  

  • Through its knowledge and learning work, the Partnership works to facilitate the replication and scale up of gender-responsive climate action by providing easy access to gender-related knowledge, tools and resources on its Knowledge Portal; sharing effective gender mainstreaming practices and lessons through knowledge products, peer exchanges, Partnership briefings, and webinars; and communicating stories about women as active change agents. 

Learn More

1. Mainstreaming Gender Equality into Plans and Policies: Integrating gender equality considerations in climate change plans, policies, sectors, projects and/or programs is critical to the achievement of effective and sustainable climate outcomes.
2. Gender-Responsive Budgeting and Investments: By mainstreaming gender equality considerations into national and subnational budgets, investments, and projects, financial resources can be ensured to support the achievement of gender-related climate outcomes.
3. Data, indicators, monitoring and accountability mechanisms: Sex-disaggregated data and gender-related indicators linked to monitoring and accountability systems provide a means to track gender equality progress and outcomes for men and women. The data emerging from progress tracking are essential for informing any needed changes to policies, plans, and programming to ensure equitable climate outcomes.
4. Gender analyses, risk assessments and response strategies: Undertaking analyses to understand the different experiences, roles, rights, and responsibilities of men and women and conducting impact assessments are important for developing appropriate strategies and interventions that respond to different risks and inequalities faced by women and men. It is essential that gender analyses and response strategies are contextualized to the situation in each country and locale.
5. Convening stakeholder consultations to support social inclusion and include gender considerations: Multi-stakeholder consultations involving relevant national/subnational gender agencies or gender-related stakeholders are key to capturing the needs and concerns of men and women and for informing the development of more equitable climate plans and implementation.
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