Member Since Dec 2016
The Government of Zambia aims to reduce by 25% its greenhouse gas emissions against the Business as Usual (BAU) scenario by 2030 with limited international support or 47% with substantial international support. Mitigation actions focus on the thematic areas of sustainable agriculture, sustainable forestry management, renewable energy, and energy efficiency. Due to the high vulnerability to climatic changes, adaptation and resilience-building are priorities for the country. The NDC outlines measures summarized in three pillars: (i) adaptation of strategic productive systems (agriculture, wildlife, and water), (ii) adaptation of strategic infrastructure and health systems, and (iii) enhanced capacity building, research, technology transfer, and finance for adaptation. The NDC Partnership has supported the Government in enhancing its NDC by supporting (i) GHG emission assessment and target setting, (ii) developing a country-wide vulnerability assessment and risk projection to determine ecosystems, infrastructure, livelihoods and communities at risk and inform adaptation targets and indicators, and (iii) strengthening MRV systems and national capacities. In addition to the support to the revised NDC, the Partnership is contributing to the elaboration of the NDC Implementation Framework to drive NDC implementation; the identification, preparation and submission of a pipeline of climate change projects to mobilize technical and financial resources; mainstreaming of climate change into the 8th National Development Plan;and coordination efforts to advance the climate-development agenda in the country.
Ministry of Green Economy and Environment and Ministry of Finance and National Planning
Participating in Country Engagement
Current Stage of Country Engagement
Stage 3: Design or Strengthening of the Partnership Plan
David Chama Kaluba
The facilitator role is funded by the UK Government.
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NDC Partnership COP26 Pavilion, Hall 4
Tracking progress in building resilience: The use of adaptation indicators in Zambia

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