Member Since Nov 2019
Despite the country’s negligible contribution to the global greenhouse gas emissions, Tonga’s Second NDC posts a number of sectoral mitigation targets including a 13% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 2006 baseline in the energy sector through a transition to 70% renewable electricity. The NDC also sets adaptation targets including utilizing 30% of the land for agroforestry, preventing permanent loss of land due to sea-level rise in Tonga’s four main islands, and expanding marine protected areas and special management areas to 30% of Tonga’s exclusive economic zone. Tonga is also developing a Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy. The NDC revision process is supported by the NDC Partnership Climate Action Enhancement Package through the Regional Pacific NDC Hub and members GGGI, IRENA, and IISD.
Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communications, and Ministry of Finance
In-Country Engagement
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Stage 1: Scoping
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