Member Since Mar 2019
Under the Partnership’s Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP) and with the support of UNDP by incorporating inputs from other partners (Belgium, UNCDF and IRENA), the updated NDC of Niger was consolidated and submitted in December 2021. The revised NDC promotes co-benefits between adaptation and mitigation in the energy and AFOLU sectors in order to attain 4 national goals: 1) reduce poverty, 2) ensure food security, 3) promote sustainable resource management and renewable energy and 4) strengthen ecosystems and communities’ resilience. Through a grant request to the NDC support facility, the World Bank contracted a firm mid 2020 to develop the Partnership and Investment Plans, a series of parallel analysis (RSA, project mapping, NDC implementation stock take) as well as to conduct a series of capacity building activities. After the submission of the revised NDC, the World Bank intends to resume their support. Furthermore, FAO will also develop sectoral action plans. Beyond the World Bank and CAEP partners, AFD, through the Adapt’Action program collaborated with the Partnership and UNDP with the objective to establish an MRV system to monitor NDC implementation.
Ministry of Environment and Action Against Desertification, National Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development, and Office of the President
Participating in Country Engagement
Sani Mahazou
This facilitator role is funded through Belgium.
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NDC Partnership COP26 Pavilion, Bldg D, Hall 4
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