Member Since Oct 2016
In June 2021, Morocco submitted its updated NDC with support from 4 members of the Partnership through the Partnership’s Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP). Morocco commits to reducing its GHG emissions by 18.3% by 2030 compared to a BaU scenario, and to a 45.5% reduction if international support is received. With support from 2050 Pathways under the Climate Action Enhacement Package, Morocco submitted its LT-LEDS to the UNFCCC in December 2021.
Engagement in Morocco started in 2017. The Partnership Plan which was developed in 2018 aims to reflect the National Sustainable Development Strategy’s recommendations to converge national policies and strategies as well as strengthen inter-sectoral coordination, while also building on the Low Emissions Development Strategy, the National Adaptation Plan Roadmap, and the NDC Implementation Roadmap. The Plan serves as a coordination and monitoring tool for NDC implementation.
Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development and Ministry of Economy and Finance
In-Country Engagement
Participating in Country Engagement
Current Stage of Country Engagement
Stage 4: Partnership Plan Implementation
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NDC Partnership Pavilion, COP25
Access to Financial and Technical Support for NDC Implementation: Challenges and Sustainable, Innovative Solutions Translation will be provided ...
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