Member Since Mar 2019
Lebanon updated its NDC in March 2021, including more mitigation and transparency ambition, more clarity on adaptation action, better alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and built on an inclusive whole-of-society approach. Lebanon received support through the NDC Partnership’s Climate Action Enhancement Package to design a Lebanon Green Investment Facility (LGIF) to support increased financing of climate actions as outlined in the NDC. Both the updated NDC and proposed LGIF are in line with the country’s development and economic recovery plans. Lebanon is receiving Economic Advisory support to identify green growth and resilience measures to recover from the various crises, including local capacity building, and to support the process of climate-proofing investment plans. Moreover, Lebanon has drafted initial Partnership Plans – results-based frameworks outlining priority climate actions in key sectors – in the energy, transport, waste, agriculture, and water sectors, to support the NDC implementation phase.
Ministry of Environment and Council for Development and Reconstruction
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NDC Partnership Pavilion, COP25
2030 Is Planned Today: How Can National and Local Government Lead The Way To A More Prosperous Future ...

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