The MRV Tool provides developers and implementers of NAMAs with brief step-by-step instructions on how to develop a MRV-System. The tool navigates users to the relevant information, knowledge, instruments, and publications available. The tool is structured into three key sections: (1) MRV of Emissions, (2) MRV of NAMAs and (3) MRV of Support. This structure was applied to supply users with more data and accessible instruments for certain aspects of the development of MRV systems. The MRV-Tool helps implementers setting up national MRV systems through the following objectives: Improve the basis of information of countries and the monitoring of their mitigation actions, implementation and coordination of individual mitigation activities (such as bottom-up actions / policies, top-down goals) Comply with common international UNFCCC reporting requirements to be able to track emissions and emissions reductions towards the global 2°C objective and to coordinate individual activities internationally. Step-by-step guidance to develop a national MRV system, and to carry out MRV in three principle areas as required in the BUR guidelines: (1) Emissions/ National greenhouse gas inventories; (2) NAMAs/ Mitigation actions and (3) Support/ Finance, technology and capacity building needs and support received.

Region: Global
Scale: National
Expertise Level: Generalist
Resource Type: Guidance and Frameworks
Cost: No
Guidance: The document provides detailed guidance
Inputs Needed: None
Outputs Provided: N/A
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Other
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