Guidance note on how to design transformational mitigation projects. A checklist for project developers and managers

This Guidance Note aims to help practitioners better understand the concept of transformational change (TC). By providing a checklist of the characteristics of transformational change that should be considered in the design of transformational mitigation projects, the Guidance Note can support the achievement of the following objectives: 1) enhance the impact and relevance of projects implementing NDCs; 2) meet the requirements and demands of climate funds, donors and partners; 3) address cross sectoral project goals; and 4) assist in designing mitigation policies and actions (including NAMAs) which initiate and propel long-term transformational processes.

The Guidance Note helps to answer the following questions:

What are the characteristics of TC, and what constitutes transformational policies and actions?

How can my project contribute to transformational policies and actions, and what do I need to consider when designing transformational mitigation projects?

How can I manage the processes that trigger the desired transformation?

Region: Global
Scale: National, Project-Level
Expertise Level: Practitioner
Resource Type: Guidance and Frameworks
Cost: No
Languages: English
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