Gender Dimensions of Weather and ClimateServices Toolkit
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Conference on the Gender Dimensions of Weather and Climate Services in 2014 formulated desired steps to provide equal access to weather and climate services to women and men in order to help them make better decisions in various sectors in the face of climate change. In numerous communities, because of social roles and constraints, women and men play different roles. They can then be affected differently by weather and climate and they may provide, access and use weather and climate information differently. In response, weather and climate services need to be designed and communicated in gender-sensitive ways. This document, prepared by conference participants and other gender experts, is a collection of recommended actions to help achieve the Conference outcomes, as they are outlined in the draft Conference Statement. They are organized under the five areas of Agriculture and Food Security, Disaster Risk Reduction, Public Health, Water Resources Management, and Women and Science Careers, with an additional section for Cross-Cutting recommendations.