Gender Analysis/Assessment and Gender and Social InclusionAction Plan Templates

Developer or Source: Green Climate Fund

This document provides explanations and templates for gender analyses/assessments and gender and social inclusion action plans in the context of climate change projects/programs. In Part 1, key questions to consider while developing a gender analysis/assessment for a project/program are provided. This process will identify multiple causes of vulnerability and helps to identify and build on the diverse knowledge and capacities within communities/households that can be used to make them more resilient to climate related shocks and risks. In Part 2, there is a template with activities, indicators/targets, timelines, responsibilities, and costs for a gender and social inclusion action plan. A project/program-specific GAP is a tool used to ensure gender mainstreaming is clearly visible in project/program design and implementation. These are general tools to provide a starting point for gender integration in climate action but should be tailored to the context of the project/program.

Region: Global
Sectors and Topics: Gender
Scale: Project-Level
Expertise Level: Practitioner, Specialist
Resource Type: Templates
Cost: No
Languages: English
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