GCF Data- Interactive Map on programme and project-level data by country

This Module shows project and programme level data on GCF outflows to developing countries (as approved by the board) by country, amount, theme, sector, funding type, status, duration, and access modality. It is organized in five sub-modules: (1) The first sub-module presents the data by country in an interactive map; (2) The second sub-module presents data on the readiness and preparatory support programme and projects; (3 and 4) The third module and the fourth sub-modules contain data on mitigation and adaptation programmes and projects; (5) And the fifth sub-module presents data on programme and projects financed through the private sector facilities.

Region: Global
Sectors and Topics: Economic Recovery
Scale: Project-Level
Expertise Level: Generalist, Practitioner
Resource Type: Analysis Tools, Other
Cost: No
Languages: English
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