CDM Methodology Booklet

The purpose of this tool is to guide users through the landscape of Clean Development Mechanism, or CDM, methodologies. More detailed overviews of methodologies are available on UNFCCC website. It helps market actors select an appropriate methodology to estimate emissions reductions. Methodologies are designed for: 1) small-scale project activities; 2) large-scale project activities; 3) small-scale afforestation and reforestation (A/R) activities; 4) large-scale A/R activities; 5) carbon capture and storage activities. This booklet provides conditions for application of methodology, parameters for monitoring and visual baseline and projected scenarios.

Region: Global
Scale: Project-Level
Expertise Level: Generalist
Resource Type: Guidance and Frameworks
Cost: No
Guidance: UNFCCC CDM Methodologies website:
Outputs Provided: Basis to review full methodologies on UNFCCC CDM methodologies website
Languages: English
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