Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program - Community Edition (BenMAP-CE)

Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program - Community Edition (BenMAP-CE) is a computer program that calculates the number and economic value of health impacts that result from changes in air pollution concentrations. The air quality indicators analyzed include ground-level ozone and fine particles. These health impacts are calculated based on modeled or monitored air quality changes; population; baseline incidence rates; and an effect estimate. The economic value of air quality change is evaluated using both "cost of illness" and "willingness to pay" metrics.

Region: Global
Sectors and Topics: Forestry and Land Use, Health
Scale: National, Sub-national
Expertise Level: Generalist
Resource Type: Analysis Tools
Cost: No
Inputs Needed: Air quality data Population data Incidence and/or prevalence rates of health effects
Outputs Provided: Health incidents (i.e. mortality non-fatal heart attacks hospital admissions chronic bronchitis acute respiratory symptoms asthma attacks asthma emergency room visits work loss days worker productivity and school absence rates) and related economic costs
Languages: English
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