The Climate Explorer 2.0

Developer or Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

This tool offers maps, graphs, and downloadable tabular data of historical data and projected climate conditions for every county in the contiguous United States. Local planners, residents, businesses, and communities can visualize conditions projected for the coming decades in the tool's interactive graphs or maps, or download the tabular data for use in other applications. The tool provides downscaled climate projections for temperature, precipitation, and heating- and cooling-degree days; the tool shows observed data from 1950 to 2010, and projected values out to 2100.

Region: North America
Scale: Sub-national
Expertise Level: Generalist
Resource Type: Analysis Tools
Cost: No
Inputs Needed: None
Outputs Provided: Visual maps and graphs of climate trends
Languages: English
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