Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform (AP-PLAT)

Organization: Ministry of Environment, Government of Japan

The Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform (AP-PLAT) launched at the G20 Energy and Environment Ministerial Meeting held in June 2019 in Karuizawa, Nagano, aims to provide an enabling environment for climate-risk informed decision-making and practical adaptation action through collaboration with partners including national and local governments, international organisations, universities and research institutes. To implement a system leading to the realisation and promotion of climate change adaptation activities, AP-PLAT is establishing three core pillars of activities: 1) developing scientific knowledge and information related to climate change impacts in the region; 2) providing support tools for stakeholders engaged in adaptation policymaking; and 3) providing capacity building on climate change impact assessment and adaptation project formulation.

Resources Provided: Tools
Membership Requirement: No
Region: East Asia and Pacific, Global
Languages: English
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