Thomas Scheutzlich

Saint Lucia Facilitator

Thomas Scheutzlich has more than 30 years experience in the International Development Cooperation of which he has spent more than 20 years in the LAC region. He holds a Master’s Degree (University Diploma equivalent to M.Sc., 1975) in energy engineering of the University of Dresden, Germany as well as a Master’s Degree (Magister Artium equivalent to M.Sc., 1984) in Political Sciences of the University of Munich, Germany.  During his career, Thomas worked as desk officer, technical advisor, international consultant and project manager in Germany, in Asia and in Latin America and the Caribbean for International Development Organisations like World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, European Union, GIZ, KfW, Caribbean Development Bank, UNDP, Swiss Development Cooperation.  Mr. Scheutzlich seconded as NDC Country Coordinator to the Ministry for Education, Innovation, Gender Relations and Sustainable Development of Saint Lucia.


This position is funded by Germany.

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