Muktar Abduke Ahmed

Ethiopia Facilitator

Muktar Abduke Ahmed is a land and water resource management professional with post-graduate academic qualification and over 20 years work experience as fulltime employee and private contractor for various government and international organisations in Ethiopia and East Africa. Following his BSc in Agriculture from Addis Ababa University and  MSc in Land and Water Resource Management from Cranfield University (UK), he has attended his PhD study in soil science at Wageningen University (the Netherlands). Muktar's professional work experience include technical and management responsibilities of research and development programs in climate change adaptation and community managed disaster risk reduction, land and water resource management, conservation agriculture and irrigation development, water supply and sanitation, capacity building of public and civil society organisations.

Muktar has been involved in and coordinated various action research initiatives in support of new program development, policy and program impacts analysis and evidence building for policy influencing. The action research activities he has led and involved in have contributed to a number of publications on pastoral environmental rights; customary institutions and systems for natural resource management; integrated soil fertility management; and sustainable harvest of non-timber forest products, resilient water supply and sanitation approaches and technologies, community managed water supply scheme management - among many others.

Over the last six years, Muktar has supported and advised, as a Private Contractor and Consultant, various international organisations in policy and program reviews, program and funding strategy development, alignment and harmonisation of donor supported projects with relevant government sector strategies and programs. Since 2018, Muktar has worked for the Global Affairs Canada (GAC)/Canada Embassy in Ethiopia as Climate Change and Environment Specialist being responsible for providing technical advice and professional support in the management of Canada's bilateral human dignity livelihoods and climate change programs in Ethiopia. During this period he has also represented GAC in two national level Development Assistant Groups forums - the Climate Resilient Green Economy Forum led by the Forestry and Climate Change Commission and Natural Resources, Climate Change and Food Security Technical Committee led by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Muktar has joined NDCP Partnership as In-Country Facilitator embedded in the Environment, Forestry and Climate Change Commission (EFCCC) of Ethiopia which is a designated lead agency for international climate negotiations as well as coordinating climate-related activities within Ethiopia including NDC.

This position is supported by the Netherlands and Denmark.

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