John Forkpa Kannah

Liberia Facilitator

John Forkpa Kannah has a background in Marine Ecosystem Based-Management and Climate Change from Nha Trang University in Vietnam. His first degree is in General Forestry from the University Of Liberia Department Of General Forestry. He lectured the following subjects: Introduction to Forest Ecology, Forest Products & Industries, Principles of Silviculture, Forest Management II, Non-Timber Forest Products, Introduction to Research Method I, Research Method II (Research Project), and Ecological Basic for Sustainable Land Use at the University of Liberia. He has worked with both local and international non-governmental organizations in Liberia, both on Biodiversity Conservation and research. He has also been involved in the development of Liberia’s Technology Needs Assessment and Liberia’s climate Risks and Vulnerability assessment in the Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Sectors. He co-authored Abundance, Distribution and Diversity of Seagrass Species in Lagoonal Reefs on the Coast of Kenya (American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS):

John sits at Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia in the Climate Change Unit.

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