Huzi Ishaku Mshelia

Nigeria Facilitator

Huzi I. Mshelia has a legal background working as an independent consultant on policy and legal issues on climate change, energy and environment. He has also completed a Master’s Degree Programme in Environmental Resource Management and is supporting the Department of Climate Change of the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Environment.

He has at various times served as consultant to several entities including  the Organization of Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) on establishing a Low Emission Development Strategy for Nigeria: Technical, Policy and legal issues; the African Development Bank(AfDB) as facilitator for the setting up of the  Community of Practice of Designated Accredited Entities(CPDAEs) to the Green Climate Fund(GCF) and Adaptation Fund(AF), and consultant to the Department of Climate Management, Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate, Zimbabwe  to develop a national position on strategic approach to transiting to a low carbon economy under a AfDB/DTCA funded project- Aiding Green Growth (Low Carbon) Approach and Policy Development in Zimbabwe. He has acted as policy adviser to Winrock International, USA on a USAID funded Nigerian Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient Project and also led the DFID-Nigerian Infrastructural Advisory Facility (NIAF) supported team that developed the Climate Change Framework Bill passed by the National Assembly in 2017 but not assented by the President.

Equally, he delivered services as consultant to reputable international NGOs including South-South North, South Africa(Technical Study on assessment of renewable energy components of African countries’ INDC), Advocates for International Development(A4ID) under the Rule of Law Expertise (Role UK) Programme, International Centre for Energy, Environment and Development(ICEED), the Friends of Earth Nigeria and Henrich Boell Foundation (Nigeria and South Africa).

He was a member of the World Bank/UNEP Finance Initiative Study Team on (Black Carbon Finance Study Group), member of the, Africa /Global Partnership -Low Emission Development Strategies (GP-LEDS), and still serves as member of National Steering Committee, GEF-Small Grant Programme in Nigeria (June 2016-date).

He also served as Chairman, Governing Council of the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA); Member, Presidential Council on Afforestation for the Great Green Wall Program; Member, Legal Committee for the National Council on Privatization (NCP); and pioneer member, Legal Expert Group to the African Group of Negotiators to the UNFCCC.

The In-Country Facilitator’s Position is being supported by the Government of the United Kingdom

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