Félix Torres

Systems and Learning Support Consultant

Félix Torres is a Systems and Learning Support Consultant at the NDC Partnership Support Unit. He supports the team managing the processes and tools to ensure clear and consistent data and information flow in the context of the Partnership’s Thematic Call on NDCs and LT-LEDS alignment, update, and enhancement and, on-demand, for other special initiatives such as the APA.

Prior to this, Felix worked as a sustainable development consultant for the United Nations Development Programme and the Initiative of Climate Action Transparency in Costa Rica. He also worked as a Knowledge Management and Systematization consultant at International Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT) and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). 

Félix holds a B.S.E in Environmental Engineering from Tecnólogico de Costa Rica and has researched sustainable development at North-West University in South Africa.

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