Awwad Salameh

Jordan Facilitator

Awwad Salameh is a Climate Change and Environmental Specialist with over 15 years of experience. He has worked with both public sector and non- governments organizations in mainstreaming climate action into development planning processes. Since 2005 he has been working at the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC) in different capacities, last as the Head of Energy, Industry and Environment Division. At MOPIC he was involved in development of national policies and plans focusing on renewable energy, energy efficiency, biodiversity conservation, drought prevention and climate change. His role at MOPIC also entailed collaborating closely with bilateral and multilateral organizations in implementation of the policies and plans. He was also involved in the United Nations process in the follow up to the Millennium Development Goals and in setting the post 2015 development agenda and recently was a part of national team involved in mapping Sustainable Development Goals and national priorities.


This position is funded by the Netherlands.

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