Our Blogs
05 April 2017

NDC Implementation Can Accelerate Transportation Sector Decarbonizatio



Transportation contributes 23 percent of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, and 18 percent of all man-made economy-wide emissions, making transport sector decarbonization critical to slowing climate change.

The Paris Agreement targets reducing global transport sector emissions from 7.7 gigatonnes (Gt) per year down to 2-3 Gt by mid-century, instead of a business-as-usual scenario where emissions would increase to 13-15 Gt by 2050.

Transformative changes are needed in the transport sector to reach these emissions reduction goals, and nationally determined contributions play a key role in shaping this emissions reduction – especially in developing countries where emissions are expected to grow the most.

As part of the NDC Partnership’s Expert Perspective series, the Partnership on Sustainable Low-Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) has published a new research paper outlining the transport-related mitigation and adaptation elements included in NDCs, along with best practices for nations to consider in NDC implementation.

Please read the full paper, Transport and Climate Change: How Nationally Determined Contributions Can Accelerate Transport Decarbonization.

Stay tuned for additional research, knowledge products, and resources to help countries implement their NDCs and reach the Paris Agreement goals.


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