Partner Blogs
04 October 2017

EUROCLIMA+ Regional Meeting to Boost Climate Action in Latin America

Photo by Brigitte Bolduc

Photo by Brigitte Bolduc

EUROCLIMA+ will host a Regional Meeting in Santiago de Chile at the Hotel ICON from 11 to 13 October 2017.

The 2017 EUROCLIMA+ regional meeting is an opportunity for EUROCLIMA+ stakeholders to decide on climate actions in the Latin American region and strengthen cooperation between Latin America and the European Union through the NDC Partnership. One day of the meeting will be dedicated to discussing climate finance, with financial institutions and major development banks presenting opportunities and challenges to accessing climate finance in the region. The three-day meeting will include more than 100 participants, including government representatives and decision makers from Latin America, European organizations working on climate change issues, the UN Environment program, ECLAC, and financial authorities.

EUROCLIMA+ promotes environmentally sustainable and more climate-resilient development in Latin America, particularly for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations. It provides technical and financial support for climate change adaptation and mitigation policies to deliver economic growth while improving social cohesion and enhancing environmental protection. Particular focus is on the provision of assistance to countries in Latin America to support their efforts to implement Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. The EUROCLIMA+ program is currently implemented in 18 Latin American countries. To date, a budget of 80 million Euro has been made available by the European Union, with additional allocations foreseen over the coming years. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) co-finances the programme.

For more information in Spanish, please see:

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