Our Blogs
02 November 2020

Driving Climate Change from the Top in the Dominican Republic


In a new piece appearing on the IPS News Agency, Jan Lundius outlines the Dominican Republic’s efforts to address climate change and increase sustainability, particularly as it makes good on its Paris Agreement commitments via Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). This includes support from the NDC Partnership’s Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP) to revise and enhance the Dominican Republic's NDC strategy.

On October 1, 2020, the Dominican Republic launched its NDC update process. The event included representatives from the Government, the private sector, the civil society, development and implementing partners and the academia, and its purpose was to showcase and raise awareness on the NDC update process, its steps and implications for these different stakeholders.

As part of an endeavour to mainstream an eco-friendly approach to all policies, the Dominican Republic, with the support of The Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP), an initiative of the NDC Partnership, is working on a revised and enhanced NDC strategy. This strategy includes a medium-term implementation, finance and investment plan to effectively address water management, ecosystem preservation, food security, smart urban development and dependency on fossil fuels.

Simultaneously the plan will be supported by a strengthening capacity and awareness for safeguarding natural resources. An assessment of attained achievements will in 2025 constitute the groundwork for the development and implementation of a long-term strategy leading up to 2050.

Read the entire article at http://www.ipsnews.net/2020/11/driving-climate-change-top-dominican-republic/.


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