Press Releases
04 November 2021

COP26: NDC Partnership launches its 2021 Partnership in Action report highlighting progress made in increasing the climate ambitions of developing nations

  • On its fifth anniversary, the NDC Partnership has launched its 2021 Partnership in Action report which highlights how its members are acting together to drive climate ambition and economic recovery
  • 67 developing nations accessed support through the Climate Action Enhancement Package to improve NDCs ahead of COP26.

The NDC Partnership has today launched its 2021 Partnership in Action report which highlights how its members are driving climate ambition and economic recovery. Released to mark the five-year anniversary of the founding of the Partnership, the report details the results of its innovative collaboration model: a breadth of actions developing nations have put in place to deliver on their climate targets, supported by the right mix of expertise and resources from member funders and institutions.

The NDC Partnership brings together 195 members, 97 developing and 18 developed countries and 80 institutions. Members work together to create and deliver on ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that help achieve the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Putting forward robust, more ambitious NDCs is exactly where Partnership members focused their efforts ahead of COP26. The 2021 PiA details how, through the Climate Action Enhancement Package, 67 developing countries prepared new or updated NDCs drawing on the expertise and a broad range of resources from 46 partners. As of October 2021, all CAEP countries that have submitted NDCs to the UNFCCC (55 out of 67) have enhanced the ambition and quality of their climate commitments. These countries represent 22% percent of the world’s population and 17% percent on greenhouse gas emissions. Through CAEP, countries have strengthened the quality and underlying process of their NDCs, making them more realistic, transparent, and implementable.

Of the developing countries that submitted their updated NDCs by October 2021:

  • 100% raised their adaptation ambition
  • 84% raised their mitigation targets
  • 100% increased their NDC’s quality
  • 97% strengthened their NDC updating process

One such country is Cambodia. With support from CAEP, the country has bolstered its climate goals, identifying 119 new mitigation and adaptation actions across all sectors of its economy, taking a comprehensive, whole-of-government approach NDC implementation. Similarly, Nigeria’s updated NDC resulted in far fewer absolute emissions than were previously submitted in the 2015 NDC.

Commenting on the launch of the PiA, Pablo Vieira Global Director of the NDC Partnership, said:

“We all have to act at speed and scale and address the key challenge of mobilizing climate finance that we now face. Developing countries have undertaken a huge amount of work to raise the ambitions of their NDCs, now we have to step up to support their implementation. The effects of climate change are far-reaching and so too must be our response. Our belief is that by acting together, we achieve more, and international co-operation will be key in achieving ambitious climate action. The Partnership’s work exemplifies the impact such collective action can achieve.”

Successfully facilitating access to climate finance is a key aspect of the NDC Partnership’s model of aligning resources with country needs and is detailed in the PiA report. It shows how countries, through the Partnership, have developed robust national investment strategies, integrated NDCs into national budgets and engaged with the private sector to mobilize financing for climate programmes and projects.

Rwanda is one country that has dedicated considerable energy and political capital to climate finance. With support from the members across the NDC Partnership, Rwanda has strengthened key climate finance mechanisms, including a Green Investment Facility and a Green Leasing Facility, to bolster green private sector initiatives and develop investment-ready bankable projects. In all, eleven Partnership members have contributed to the over USD20 million to strengthen Rwanda’s climate agenda. The PiA 2021 highlights this and other cases of Partnership countries who are leveraging climate finance to materialize their climate ambition through the Partnership’s global network and facilitation support.

In their foreword to the 2021 Partnership in Action report, the current co-chairs of the NDC Partnership The Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP, COP President Designate and Minister Pearnel Charles Jr, Jamaica write:

“We see COP26 as a moment for us to turn political ambition into concrete action. The NDC Partnership is central to making this happen.

“For developing countries, [the Partnership] mobilizes support quickly and effectively, driven by country needs for both climate action and sustainable development priorities. For development partners and implementing partners, it provides a transparent shared platform for cooperation, reducing duplication and ensuring partners provide support where they add most value.”


Notes to editors

For media enquiries:

Chris Speight – / 020 7457 2381

Saskia Vredenburch – / 020 7457 2819


About the NDC Partnership

The NDC Partnership brings together 196 Members, 115 countries - 97 developing and 18 developed - and 81 institutional members countries, to create and deliver on ambitious NDCs that help achieve the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Governments identify their NDC implementation priorities and the type of support that is needed to translate them into actionable policies and programs. Based on these requests, the membership offers a tailored package of expertise, technical assistance, and funding.

This collaborative response provides developing countries with efficient access to a wide range of resources to adapt to and mitigate climate change and foster more equitable and sustainable development. The NDC Partnership is built on the premise of collective action: by acting together, we achieve more.

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